Friday, February 20, 2009


adoyai...mende ne la y aku nk elak tkena gak laz2..aku d tagged kazen aku mbOk cah a.k.a. aliah jenap(mbok, confuse kmk ehh.ney dtg nama ya?hehe) jwpn aku:

1. Do you think you're hot? tgh 'hot' gegile dgn some1..

2. Upload your favourite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
mase ne ejal n hafiz g swk.n pmndgn kat blkg 2 cam bez je..pomot swk..kire kena la sbb diorg 1st time g swk.y amek pic ne wan..kalo xsilap aku taun 2006.kisah mase 2 kitorg da li tiket sbb ikot tarikh midterm.taw2 laz2 minit cuti tkar plak...seb bek lect fhm n smgu aku xton claz..diorg 3ari je kot..hehe

4.When was the last time you ate pizza?
aku rase taun lepas kot smgu sblum adik aku..'shafixx da sleepy boy' masuk plkn..

5. The last song you listened to?
yuna ito ft trapnest - endless story..

6. What are you doing right now beside this?
layan lagu..

7. Five people you tag
abg ejam
::suma pic2 2 aku amek dr blog diorg kecuali pic babup je aku amek dr blog audio...hehe..(kmk amek k.suka mek diat pic adik kamek tok..haha)::

Who is number 1?
kazen aku plg tua(sblh mak)..da jd cikgu kt bintulu.kawen dgn kak ieja(sporting gile wife die)..

say something about number 5?
adik aku..da menjus n sleepy boy..huhu...g plkn jap je sbb drh tgi.diorg anto adik aku blik..hehe..

How about number 4?
mbr aku mase kat uitm dlu..xclazmate..manjer n gile2 prangai..da kawen dgn org german kalo aku xclap..kawen taun lepas..smpt gak aku g mcapap kt majlis tgh preg 1st baby.

Who is number 2?
claz rep DIA*B utk 6 sem mase aku kt uitm lendu dl..very nice pilah neh..n da 1 y teman aku jumpa lelaki tesco..haha

number 3?

hehe..ex clazmate aku ms dip kat shah alam da..kire senior aku la..haha..kembar siam sarah sbb mase dip dl mg bkepit b2 je..


hafizzuan said...

best pic swk pembetulan tahun 2006..bukan 2005..hehe

NuR said...

owh..yeke? td..heee

daniel sebastian said...

erm ye la nor...
tag aku lak eh....
ape2 pun thanks la letak pic aku masa wat fotoshoot kt kuching dulu..
kuar majalah ape eh?

NuR said...

tag ngko bmkna ko sntiasa diingati..heee
majalah ke?aku rase dlm utusan borneo...hahaha